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  编者注:这条 Dragong 被当地人认为是吉祥的。地点:卢布尔雅那(Ljubljana),斯洛文尼亚(Slovenia)。照片原说明如下:

This dragon guards the Zmajski Most Bridge and is also a sort of Ljubljana Mascot(福神,吉祥的东西). She appears on coffee mugs, post cards and bathroom tiles for sale all over the marketplace. She also gives the bridge its nickname: The Mother In Law bridge. Why? Because of the long tongue.



首页  导航地图  论坛  为龙正名  媒介  No Dragon  对龙的误解  Loong 的英文解释  Loong 的应用实例
龙 Loong 网主编信箱:mail@loong.cn