“龙”的英文应该翻译成 loong
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Loong 的新版英语解释(英汉对照)(欢迎批评指正)


Loong [ ] 

The word loong was created on the base of the pronunciation of its counterpart character in Chinese at least 60 years ago.
(Loong 这个单词是根据它在中文里的对应汉字“龙”的发音创造出来的,时间至少是六十年前。)

The packaging of Loong Voong cigarettes, 1940's
(龙凤香烟的包装纸,1940 年代)

Artwork of loong

Loong is a mythological creature, with the head of a camel or horse or snake, the horns of a deer, the eyes of a rabbit, the ears of a cow, the neck and body of a snake, the belly of a kind of huge clam, the scales of a carp, the claws of a hawk, the palm of a tiger, whiskers and a beard.

Loong has not wings. But Ying Loong has wings. Loong will become Ying Loong after a one-thousand-year's self-tempering.

Loong is generally regarded as benevolent, powerful, worshipful and lucky. it is thought the source of wind and rain.

The earlist artwork of loong ever discoved was build in China about 6,000 years ago. It is a sculpture of loong made by heaping shells of clam.

Loong used to be the symbol of Chinese emperors. Now it stands for luckness, happiness and power by ordinary Chinese people.

It is wrong to translate loong as dragon in English. In fact, loong is so different in nature from dragons that it may be more reasonable to consider them as dissimilar creatures, rather than as the same creature interpreted differently.
(把龙翻译为 dragon 是错误的。实际上,龙和 dragon 在性质上的差异非常大,把它们理解成不同的生物,更加合理。它们不是相同的生物的两种不同解释。)

Loong is a part of the Chinese culture. It is the symbol of the Chinese nation. Loong is a spiritual tie linking the Chinese people all over the world. Chinese people are proud to call themselves "the offspring of the Loong".

The famouse Chinese Kung Fu star Bruce Lee's Chinese name is Lee Sui Loong, written in English.
(著名的华裔功夫明星李小龙的名字翻译成英文时,其中的“龙”字被写为 Loong。

The stage property used in The Loong Dance (or Chinese Dragon Dance) is called loong in some Australia musium based on the internet (e.g.
(龙舞所使用的道具龙灯,在澳大利亚的一些网上博物馆里被翻译为 Loong。例如:



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* 题图装饰背景图片取自荷花塘网站