“龙”的英文应该翻译成 loong

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中国留学生在英国大学的网站上介绍 Loong

  近日发现北方工业大学建筑与艺术学院教师黄普希在英国巴斯大学留学时,在该大学的网站 Bath Times Magazine(巴斯时代杂志)的 World(世界)栏目用中英文介绍中国的龙,并把龙译为 Loong。

Chinese people, the descendants of the Loong(中国人——龙的传人)

30 November 2016

Chinese people believe that they are descendants of the Loong. The Chinese Loong is the celestial being rather than the dragon. Chinese totem worship of the Loong can be traced back to at least 5500 years ago in the Hongshan culture period. Loong was frequently utilised in paintings, sculptures and architecture in ancient China. The ancient Chinese emperor called himself the real Loong, the son of Heaven. If any cultural symbol can represent the Chinese people, it must be the Loong.(中国人相信自己是龙的传人。中国的龙不是恶魔,是仙。中国人对龙的图腾崇拜至少可以追溯到距今 5500年前的红山文化时期。中国历代的绘画、雕刻以及建筑都有龙的痕迹。古代中国皇帝们都称自己为真龙天子。如果什么文化可以代表中国人,那一定是龙。)

What is a Loong?(什么是龙?)

According to Mr. Wang Fu, a scholar of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Loong is a legendary creature which antlers resemble those of a stag, his head that of a camel, his eyes those of a rabbit, his body that of a snake, his belly that of a clam, his scales those of a carp, his claws those of an eagle, his soles those of a tiger, his nose those of a cow. See figure 1.(东汉学者王符认为,龙是一种集合了兔眼、鹿角、牛嘴、驼头、蜃腹、虎掌、鹰爪、魚鳞、蛇身而虚拟出来的动物。参见图一。)

Figure 1: Dragon and the composition of the dragon animal elements

According to a Chinese legend, the loong evolved from the carp. If a carp in the Yellow River can leap out of water and fly across the Yumenkou Waterfall, namely the ‘Loong Gate’, it will immortalise as a real Loong. To fulfil this dream, carps need to be upstream, overcome countless difficulties and make great efforts. See figure 2.(中国民间有一个传说:龙是鲤鱼变化而来的。黄河的鲤鱼如果跳过禹门口瀑布——即“龙门”就会变化成真正的龙。为了这个目标,鲤鱼们会逆流而上,克服种种磨难,不断尝试直到成为龙为止。)

Figure 2: A carp is flying across the Loong gate

Chinese Loong culture indicated that Chinese people are magnanimous, industrious and courageous. They embrace a variety of cultures, and then optimise and integrate these cultures into a stronger culture. They are willing to keep forging ahead with ideals, even if immediate difficulties need to be faced. It is devoutly to be wished that students from all over the world can get along with their Chinese "Loong" classmates.(中国的龙文化反映出中国人具有包容与进取的特点。他们包容各种文化并优化集成为更强大的文化。他们愿意为了理想不断进取,哪怕眼前困难重重。希望世界各国的同学们能和你们的中国“龙”同学成为好朋友。)

Puxi Huang(黄普希,建筑与土木工程系)


  这篇文字言简意赅,介绍了龙的外形(九似)和内涵(包容,不懈努力)。最后一句话很有意思:It is devoutly to be wished that students from all over the world can get along with their Chinese "Loong" classmates.(希望世界各国的同学们能和你们的中国“龙”同学成为好朋友。)幸亏现在有 Loong 这种译龙方法,如果仍然只能译龙为 dragon,那么“龙同学”就是 Dragon classmates,成为外国同学要杀死的对象了。

  此文的遗憾之处是图一的英文介绍仍然译龙为 dragon 了。

  The Chinese Loong is the celestial being rather than the dragon.(中国的龙不是恶魔,是仙。)这句话里使用 dragon 也略显突兀。中国读者知道龙被译为 dragon,但是外国读者未必知道 Loong 曾经是 dragon。所以,我们中国人在告诉外国人中国的龙不是 dragon 之前,最好先说一句“龙曾经被译为 dragon”,否则外国读者会摸不着头脑:说 Loong 说得好好的,为什么突然提到 dragon?

  1882年,一位美国传教士是这样写的,大家可以参考:The loong or dragon, as it is commonly translated, is to the Chinese nation all that the eagle is to us, and a great deal more.(龙通常被译为 dragon,它对中华民族的意义就和鹰对我们的意义完全一样,甚至有过之而无不及。)



毫无 dragon 的踪迹!中国文化网站这样介绍龙

译龙为 Loong 实际使用案例按分类排列



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